Explanation of Graphoanalysis Services
A 3-page analysis, with brief evaluation, covering basic
areas of personality—emotions, goals, major traits, and cultural tendencies.
An 8- to 10-page study of emotional responses of the writer;
points out the outstanding characteristics and prominent traits.
The General Graphoanalyses of two persons, as described
above, plus a report on the compatibility of the two individuals.
A special report, for employer, of prospective employee’s
personality characteristics and ability directed toward the particular
personnel need.


For purposes of analysis only in above services, you will need to submit at least 4 to 10 lines in your normal handwriting on unlined paper. Please remember to sign your name.
Please allow 48 hours minimum for completion of request.
Graphoanalysis: Its Nature and Uses
Graphoanalysis: Its Nature and Uses
Graphoanalysis can be defined in several different ways,
just as can psychology or intelligence. Perhaps the most comprehensive
definition is the one that defines it as the study of individual strokes of
handwriting to determine the character and personality of the writer.
Graphoanalysis is a tool that can be used successfully for
assessment of personality traits. Psychologists use questionnaires, rating
scales, and other methods of personality assessment, and an increasingly great
number of them are learning the value of using Graphoanalysis as an additional
This value as a tool is not confined to psychologists and
other counselors, however. Successful employment of and proper placement of
personnel in business and industry depend in most instances on selection of
individuals whose intelligence, temperament, and talent predispose them for a
particular type of work. That is why many personnel directors and supervisors
have found Graphoanalysis to be a valuable tool for personnel selection and
Credit managers find Graphoanalysis of worth for the same
reasons—personality and characteristics, such as honesty or deceit, pride or
sloth, will power or the lack of it, conservatism or wastefulness—all play a
part in the determination of a good credit risk or a bad one. The fact that
these traits can be determined from an inspection of the applicant’s
handwriting enables the credit supervisor to save both time and money.
Graphoanalysis is a basic training for work in the field of
questioned and forged documents. Just as every human being is a unique
individual, so is every person’s handwriting different from that of any other
individual. Formation of strokes, spacing of letters, and slant and depth of the
writing reveal to the trained observer the spurious from the real.
There is one thing that Graphoanalysis is not—it is not
occult; nor is it related in any way to such pseudo-scientific approaches. It
is a scientific method of personality assessment based on research that was
conducted over a period of more than seventy-five years. This research was carried out
by both empirical and clinical processes, and Graphoanalysis is currently being
further validated by statistical studies, both within and without the framework
of institutions of higher education.
Graphoanalysts are certified only by the International
Graphoanaylsis Society (IGAS), 842 Fifth Avenue, New Kensington, PA 15068.
Graphoanalysis and Grapohanalyst are registered trademarks
and service marks of IGAS, Inc.
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